Program Coloquium
in honor of Herrn apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rist
1. Lecture: Christian Stemmer - Insights into the early days of the research group
2. Lecture: Matthias Lang - About the beginnings ...
3. Lecture: Dominik Puckert - ... and developements at the laminar water channel
4. Lecture: Andreas Babucke - a short introduction to NS3D
5. Lecture: Oliver Schmidt - Uli's animal life
6. Lecture: Gabriel Axtmann - An homage to Uli
7. Lecture: Christoph Wenzel - Uli's journey to compressible turbulence
Closing: Greetings from a dear friend
Head of working group Boundary Layers
Christoph Wenzel, M.Sc.
Dr.-Ing.Head of working group Boundary Layers