Colloquium in honor of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Rist

Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics

The colloquium was held on 26 August 22 in the experimental hall of the Institute.

Opening of the colloquium

Herr Prof. Krämer eröffnete das Kolloquium

Program Coloquium

in honor of Herrn apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rist

1. Lecture: Christian Stemmer - Insights into the early days of the research group
2. Lecture: Matthias Lang - About the beginnings ...
3. Lecture: Dominik Puckert - ... and developements at the laminar water channel
4. Lecture: Andreas Babucke - a short introduction to NS3D
5. Lecture: Oliver Schmidt - Uli's animal life
6. Lecture: Gabriel Axtmann - An homage to Uli
7. Lecture: Christoph Wenzel - Uli's journey to compressible turbulence
Closing: Greetings from a dear friend


apl. Prof. Rist is pleased about the gift of the staff of the IAG.
apl. Prof. Rist is pleased about the gift of the staff of the IAG.

Head of working group Boundary Layers

This image shows Christoph Wenzel, M.Sc.

Christoph Wenzel, M.Sc.


Head of working group Boundary Layers

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