Teaching Aircraft Aerodynamics

Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dyamics

Lectures of Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Lutz

Lecture Aircraft Aerodynamics I

Lecture Aircraft Aerodynamics II

CFD Application Seminar | Project Seminar Flow Simulation Technology

Looking for a student thesis?

Student theses Aircraft Aerodynamics and Wind Energy


Graphically interactive program AERO


The graphically interactive program AERO was developed at the IAG as part of student theses and offers students a practical opportunity to get to know the calculation methods covered in the advanced lectures. The current version of the program contains an application for skeleton line theory, a 3D vortex conductor method and a 3D panel method. With the help of the integrated grid generator, simple trapezoidal wings with NACA four-digit profiles can be generated. Furthermore, a routine for reading in any 3D wing grid is available. A module for the creation of arbitrary wing grids is currently in progress. The AERO program outputs the distribution of the pressure coefficient over the wing surface in an ASCII file, which can be visualized with TECPLOT, for example. In another file, the spanwise Ca curve and the circulation are provided. It is planned to further develop the program and to integrate additional methods.

Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Lutz

This image shows Thorsten Lutz

Thorsten Lutz


Head of working group Aircraft Aerodynamics / Head of working group Wind Energy

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