Gust Wind Tunnel
The Gust Wind Tunnel is the biggest wind tunnel at IAG. It has been designed and built specifically for the purpose of experimental investigations on wind turbines in both stationary flow and gust-load conditions. The facility is of Eiffel type.
Shallow Water Channel
The planar, compressibel gas flow around bodies or through nozzles can be modelled in shallow water for subsonic, near sonic and supersonic flows. In the Shallow Water Channel, certain phenomena in gas dynamics, such as Mach lines or shock waves, can be visualized descriptively and at low cost. This facility is exclusively used for graduate laboratories ...more
Small Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnel
The Institute has designed and constructed a 1:3 scale Small Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnel (Kleiner Grenzschichtwindkanal, KGWK) for student work.
The KGWK can also be equipped with different inlet obstacles and ground roughness to generate different velocity profiles and turbulence structures.
Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnel
In the Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnel (Eiffel type with rectangular channel cross-section and closed measuring chamber; GWK) of the IAG, certain velocity profiles and turbulence structures can be generated by various combinations of inlet obstacles and ground roughness in order to simulate the turbulent boundary layer flow of the natural wind.
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Fan Test Bench
Leakage measurements can be carried out under defined laboratory conditions on the IAG's Fan Test Bench.
The volume flow is infinitely variable via a bypass device, the pressure in the test chamber is measured via inductive pressure transducers and the leakage volume flow can be measured via high-precision turbine gas meters.
Laminar Water Channel
Der Laminarwasserkanal am Institut für Aerodynamik und Gasdynamik ist eine Versuchsanlage zur experimentellen Untersuchung von Strömungsphänomenen in laminaren Grenzschichten.
Laminar Wind Tunnel
The laminar wind tunnel is primarily used for measurements of two-dimensional airfoil models. It is an open-return tunnel (Eiffel type) with closed test section. It was set into operation in 1962 and has been used continuously since then.
Model Wind Tunnel
The Model Wind Tunnel has a closed measuring section and an open air return (Eiffel type). The Model Wind Tunnel was built for model flight profiles and is mainly used today for student work....more
Medium-Sized Low-Speed Wind Tunnel (MWK)
The Medium-Sized Low-Speed Wind Tunnel (MWK) is a circulating wind tunnel (Göttinger type) with free jet measuring section and circular jet cross section.
Medium-Sized Supersonic Wind Tunnel (half model measuring section)
The half-model measuring section is a half-model channel which works according to the so-called "suck down" principle.