Teaching Boundary Layers

Institute of Aerodynamics und Gas Dynamics

Lectures in the working group Boundary Layers


  • Applied/selected turbulence models (currently inactive) 
  • Boundary-Layer Flows, previously "Boundary layer theory"
    Explanation; ILIAS
  • Digital Flow Visualization / CFV (computer-based flow visualization), previously "Numerical flow visualization"
    (currently inactive) 
    Explanation, ILIAS

Bachelor's and Master's theses:
As part of our research programs, we offer challenging Bachelor's and Master's theses. In the past it turned out to be very helpful and favourable if the students had already familiarised themselves with the topics we dealt with as HiWi, in particular, however, with the measurement techniques and numerical procedures used.

directly to student theses

Hiwi Jobs:
We are constantly looking for students who are interested in an experimental or numerical HiWi position. Since a certain period of familiarization is necessary for qualified work in this area, you should conclude a contract with us with at least 30 hours per month and want to work with us for as long a period as possible. For this reason, we are happy to employ students who are still at the beginning of their (Master's) studies.

Head of working group Boundary Layers

This image shows Christoph Wenzel, M.Sc.

Christoph Wenzel, M.Sc.


Head of working group Boundary Layers

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