Working Groups of the Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics
Experimental Gas Dynamics
Head: Dr..-Ing. Uwe Gaisbauer
The working group deals with experimental fundamental research in the field of compressible external, internal and boundary layer flows. Another focus is the optimization of necessary short-term measurement methods and the further development of experimental facilities.
Boundary Layers
Head: Dr.- Ing. Christoph Wenzel, M.Sc.
The working group Boundary Layers deals with numerical simulation, representation and interpretation of flow processes close to walls in the field of fundamental research.
Helicopters and Aeroacustics
Head: Dr. rer.nat. Manuel Keßler
The working group Helicopters and Aeroacoustics deals mainly with the simulation of the helicopter system. The aim is to reproduce the system as realistically as possible in computer simulations, especially concerning effects on the main rotor.
Laminar Wind Tunnel
Head: Ulrich Deck, M.Sc.
Continuous measurements are carried out on laminar separation bubbles to extend and improve design methods to maintain the flow around profiles laminar (laminar profiles). The profiles developed over the last 40 years have been successfully used worldwide in gliders, small and medium-sized motor aircraft, helicopters, wind turbines, propellers, and so on.
Aircraft Aerodynamics
Head: Dr. Thorsten Lutz
The focus of the working group is the CFD-based analysis of complex flow phenomena and interactions on aircraft.
This includes the study of massively detached flows as well as the control of separation and shock waves by passive and active control measures.
Numerical Methods
Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Beck, M.Sc.
The main research topic of the working group under Prof. Munz is the construction of highly accurate numerical methods as well as the implementation and optimization of those methods on high performance computers. The focus is put on the development of high order methods, especially discontinuous Galerkin and the application to fluid dynamics, aeroacustics, plasma physics and multi-phase flows.
The FLEXI flow solver developed by the working group is available as OpenSource software and is constantly being further developed.
Transition and Turbulence
Head: Dr.-Ing. Markus Kloker
The working group Transition and Turbulence carries out numerical fundamental investigations mainly on flow phenomena in 3-D and supersonic boundary layers.
Environmental Aerodynamics
Head: Bernd Peters
In the working group the velocity fields over complex topography (e.g. flow around hills or steep slopes) are experimentally investigated.
Special wind tunnels are available to simulate the turbulent boundary layer flow of the natural wind.
In addition, wind tunnel tests can be performed to determine the expected wind loads on buildings.
Wind Energy
Head: Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Lutz
The focus of the working group is on numerical studies on the influence of atmospheric inflow and complex terrain orographies on the transient loads, deformations and noise emission of wind turbines. The findings are used in the development of passive and active measures for load and noise control.