This image shows Uwe Gaisbauer

Uwe Gaisbauer


Head of working group Experimental Gas Dynamics
Institute of Aerodynamics und Gas Dynamics


+49 711 685 63431
+49 711 685 63438


Wankelstraße 3
70563 Stuttgart
Room: 2.51 (Gebäude 21A, 2. Stock)


  • Gas dynamics / thermodynamics
  • Flow problems in the supersonic and hypersonic range
  • Scramjet technology
  • Ramp flow
  • Wind tunnels and short-term measurement technology
  • Applied aerodynamics and medical technology

Since my office is a bit hard to find, please contact me by phone, then I can pick you up at the door of the experimental hall of the IAG.

Wegweiser zu Uwe Gaisbauer

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