
Institut für Aerodynamik und Gasdynamik

Publikationen Arbeitsgruppe Grenzschichten


Jason Appelbaum, Duncan Ohno, Ulrich Rist, Christoph Wenzel: DNS of a turbulent boundary layer using inflow conditions derived from 4D-PTV data, Experiments in Fluids 9/2021

Lemarechal, Jonathan; Klein, C; Puckert, Dominik; Rist, Ulrich: Application of the temperature-sensitive paint method for quantitative measurements in water, Measurement Science and Technology, 32 (10), 1-13. (2021) doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/ac0333

Wu, Yongxiang; Axtmann, Gabriel; Rist, Ulrich: Linear stability analysis of a Boundary Layer with Wall-Normal Rotating Cylindrical Roughness Elements, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 915, 25 May 2021, A132 DOI:

Matthias Weinschenk, Ulrich Rist, Christoph Wenzel: Investigation of coherent motions in a flat-plate turbulent boundary layer with adverse pressure gradient, in: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XIII, Springer-Verlag 2021, 87-96,

Dominik K. Puckert, Tristan M. Römer, Giacomo Scibelli, Ulrich Rist: Experimental Investigation on Roughness-Induced Transition under the Influence of Freestream Turbulence, in: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XIII, Springer-Verlag 2021, 205-214, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-79561-0_20

Christoph Wenzel, Tobias Gibis, Markus Kloker, Ulrich Rist: Reynolds analogy factor in self-similar compressible turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradients, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 907, 25 January 2021 doi: 10.1017/jfm.2020.876 Published Online on 2 December 2020

Frédéric Alizard, Tobias Gibis, Björn Selent, Ulrich Rist, and Christoph Wenzel: Stochastic receptivity of laminar compressible boundary layers: An input-output analysis, Physical Review Fluids 7, 073902 (2022)

Wu, Yongxiang; Römer, Tristan; Axtmann, Gabriel; Rist, Ulrich: Transition Mechanisms in a Boundary Layer controlled by Rotating Wall-Normal Cylindrical Roughness Elements, accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, June 2022

O.T. Schmidt, J. Staudenmeyer, U. Rist, C.-D. Munz: Leading-edge receptivity to free-stream vorticity of streamwise corner-flow, in: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics X, Contribution to the 19th DGLR/STAB Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014, Springer-Verlag 2016, 259-268

J. Zahn, U. Rist: Impact of deep gaps on laminar-turbulent transition in compressible boundary layer flow, AIAA Journal 54(1):66-76, 2016

G. Axtmann, U. Rist, F, Hegner, C. Brücker: Numerical investigation of the bending of slender wall-mounted cylinders in low Reynolds number flow, in: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics X, Contribution to the 19th DGLR/STAB Symposium Munich, Germany, 2014, Springer-Verlag 2016, 191-201

C. Edelmann, U. Rist: On the Impact of Forward-Facing Steps on Disturbance Amplification in Boundary-Layer Flows, in: W.E. Nagel, D. Kröner and M. Resch (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '15, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2016, 371-388.

G. Axtmann, F. Hegner, C. Brücker, U. Rist: Investigation and Prediction of the Bending of Single and Tandem Pillars in a Laminar Cross Flow, Journal of Fluids and Structures 66, July 2016

J. Staudenmeyer, O. Schmidt, U. Rist: On the influence of Sommerfeld's radiation boundary condition on propagation direction of oblique modes in streamwise corner-flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 807, November 2016

P. Vogler, U. Rist: Wavelet Based Compression of Volumetric CFD Data Sets, Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, University of Stuttgart (HLRS) Dec. 2016 and Tohoku University, 2017

J. Zahn, U. Rist: Active and Natural Suction at Forward-Facing Steps for Delaying Laminar-Turbulent Transition, AIAA Journal 55(4):1343-1354, 2017

J. Zahn, U. Rist: Study about boundary-layer suction at a surface juncture for sustained laminar flow.  In: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner, S. Bansmer, R. Radespiel, R. Semaan (Eds): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XI, Contributions to the 20th STAB/DGLR Symposium Braunschweig, Germany, 2016, Springer, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 136, 2017, pp. 349-358

J. Lemarechal, E- Mäteling, C. Klein, D. Puckert, U. Rist: Reattaching flow behind a square bump investigated with temperature sensitive paint. In: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner, S. Bansmer, R. Radespiel, R. Semaan (Eds): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XI, Contributions to the 20th STAB/DGLR Symposium Braunschweig, Germany, 2016, Springer, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 136, 2017, pp. 285-293

D. Puckert, U. Rist: Transition downstream of an isolated cylindrical roughness element on a flat plate boundary layer. In: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner, S. Bansmer, R. Radespiel, R. Semaan (Eds): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XI, Contributions to the 20th STAB/DGLR Symposium Braunschweig, Germany, 2016, Springer, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 136, 2017, pp. 295-304.

Dominik Puckert, Michael Dieterle, Ulrich Rist: Reduction of freestream turbulence at low velocities, Exp Fluids (2017) 58:45, DOI 10.1007/s00348-017-2333-y

Dominik K. Puckert and Ulrich Rist: Global instability in a laminar boundary layer perturbed by an isolated roughness element, Experiments in Fluids (2018) 59:48

M.A. Bucci, D. Puckert, C. Andriano, J-C. Loiseau, S. Cherubini, J-C. Robinet, U. Rist: Roughness-induced transition by quasi-resonance of a varicose global mode, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 836, pp 167 - 191, 2018

Christoph Wenzel, Björn Selent, Markus Kloker and Ulrich Rist: DNS of compressible turbulent boundary layers and assessment of data-/scaling-law quality, J. Fluid Mech. (2018), vol. 842, pp. 428–468. doi:10.1017/jfm.2018.179

Puckert, Dominik; Rist, Ulrich; Experiments on critical Reynolds number and global instability in roughness-induced laminar-turbulent transition, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 844, June 2018, pp 878 - 904 doi: 10.1017/jfm.2018.211

Jennifer Staudenmeyer, N. Schnoebel, Ulrich Rist: Wall Temperature and Suction Control of Linear Modes in Compressible Corner Flow, AIAA Journal, Vol. 57, No. 6, June 2019, 2335-2343,

Dominik Puckert, Ulrich Rist: Experimental observation of frequency lock-in of roughness-induced instabilities in a laminar boundary layer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 870, 10-Jul-19, pp 680 - 697 DOI:10.1017/jfm.2019.290

Jonathan Lemarechal; Christian Klein; Ulrich Henne; Dominik K. Puckert; Ulrich Rist: Detection of Lambda- and Omega-vortices with the Temperature-Sensitive Paint method in the late stage of controlled laminar-turbulent transition, Experiments in Fluids, (2019) 60:91

Gibis, Tobias; Wenzel, Christoph; Kloker, Markus; Rist, Ulrich: Self-similar compressible turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradients – Part 2: Self-similarity analysis of the outer layer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 880:284-325 (2019), DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2019.672.

Wenzel, Christoph; Gibis, Tobias; Kloker, Markus; Rist, Ulrich: Self-similar compressible turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradients – Part 1: DNS and assessment of Morkovin’s hypothesis, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 880:239-283 (2019), DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2019.670

Björn Selent, Christoph Wenzel, Ulrich Rist, and Oliver T. Schmidt: Turbulent inflow generation by resolvent mode forcing.  In: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner, C. Tropea. S. Jakirlic (Eds.) New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XII, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 142. Contributions to the 21st STAB/DGLR-Symposium Darmstadt, Germany, 2018, Springer, 2019, 110-119

Duncan Ohno, Jonas Romblad and Ulrich Rist: Laminar to turbulent transition at unsteady inflow conditions: Direct numerical simulations with small scale free-stream turbulence.  In: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner, C. Tropea. S. Jakirlic (Eds.) New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XII, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 142. Contributions to the 21st STAB/DGLR-Symposium Darmstadt, Germany, 2018, Springer, 2019, 214-224

Dominik K. Puckert and Ulrich Rist: Transition delay with cylindrical roughness elements in a laminar water channel.  In: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner, C. Tropea. S. Jakirlic (Eds.) New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XII, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 142. Contributions to the 21st STAB/DGLR-Symposium Darmstadt, Germany, 2018, Springer, 2019, 225-233

Martin Siring, Dominik K. Puckert and Ulrich Rist: Investigations on a mechanism to induce free-stream turbulence in a water channel by controlled injection of air bubbles.  In: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner, C. Tropea. S. Jakirlic (Eds.) New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XII, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 142. Contributions to the 21st STAB/DGLR-Symposium Darmstadt, Germany, 2018, Springer, 2019, 265-273

Yongxiang Wu and Ulrich Rist: Boundary Layer Stability with Embedded Rotating Cylindrical Roughness Element. In: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner, C. Tropea. S. Jakirlic (Eds.) New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XII, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 142. Contributions to the 21st STAB/DGLR-Symposium Darmstadt, Germany, 2018, Springer, 2019, 274-283

Mäteling, J. Lemarechal, C. Klein, D.K. Puckert, U. Rist: Experimental Investigation of Mixed Convection in Horizontal Channel Flow in Combination with Cylindrical Roughness Elements. In: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner, C. Tropea. S. Jakirlic (Eds.) New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XII, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 142. Contributions to the 21st STAB/DGLR-Symposium Darmstadt, Germany, 2018, Springer, 2019, 533-542

Jonathan Lemarechal, Esther Mäteling, Christian Klein, Dominik K. Puckert, and Ulrich Rist: Visualization of near-wall structures of an isolated cylindrical roughness element in a laminar boundary layer without pressure gradient. In: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, E. Krämer, C. Wagner, C. Tropea. S. Jakirlic (Eds.) New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XII, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 142. Contributions to the 21st STAB/DGLR-Symposium Darmstadt, Germany, 2018, Springer, 2019, 674-683

Xu Chu, Yongxiang Wu, Ulrich Rist, and Bernhard Weigand: Instability and transition in an elementary porous medium, Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 044304 – Published 22 April 2020

Yongxiang Wu, Ulrich Rist: Stability Analysis of Boundary Layer Flow with Rotating Cylindrical Surface Roughness Elements, Proc. IUTAM Laminar-Turbulent Transition London 2019

Duncan Ohno, Jonas Romblad, Marwan Khaled and Ulrich Rist: Investigations of Laminar to Turbulent Transition in an Oscillating Airfoil Boundary Layer, Proc. IUTAM Laminar-Turbulent Transition London 2019

Dominik K. Puckert, Yongxiang Wu, Ulrich Rist: Homogenization of streaks in a laminar boundary layer, Experiments in Fluids (2020) 61:122,

Muthuramalingam, Muthukumar; Puckert, Dominik K.; Rist, Ulrich; Bruecker, Christoph: Transition Delay Using Biomimetic Fish Scale Arrays, Scientific Reports (2020) 10:14534,

Patrick Vogler, Ulrich Rist: Handling large numerical data-sets: Viability of a lossy compression for CFD-simulations, in: Michael M. Resch, Manuela Wossough, Wolfgang Bez, Erich Focht, Hiroaki Kobayashi (Editors): Sustained Simulation Performance 2019 and 2020 Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, University of Stuttgart (HLRS) and Tohoku University, 2019 and 2020, 97-110


N.R. Losse, R. King, M. Zengl, U. Rist, B.R. Noack: "Control of Tollmien-Schlichting instabilities by finite distributed wall actuation", Theoret. Comput. Fluid Dynamics, 25 (2011), 167-178.

Schafhitzel, K. Baysal, M. Vaaraniemi, U. Rist, D. Weiskopf: "Visualizing the Evolution and Interaction of Coherent Structures in Time-Dependent 3D Flow", Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 17 (4), April 2011, 412-425.

Baumann, M. Rose, T. Ries, S. Staudacher, U. Rist: "Actuated transition in an LP turbine laminar separation: An experimental approach", GT2011-45852 Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, ASME Turbo Expo 2011, June 6-10, 2011, Vancouver, Canada. pdf-File

Probst, R. Radespiel, U. Rist: "Linear-stability-based transition modeling for aerodynamic flow simulations with a near-wall Reynolds-stress model", AIAA Journal, 2011, vol. 50, no. 2, 416-428.

Schmidt, U. Rist: "Linear stability of compressible flow in a streamwise corner", J. Fluid Mech. (2011), vol. 688, pp. 569-590.

M.A. Rashad, U. Rist: "Numerical Investigation of a Jet-and-Vortex-Actuator Without and With Cross-Flow Boundary Layer", Int.J. Heat Fluid Flow 33 (2012) 35-44, doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2011.10.005 pdf-File

Riedeberger, U. Rist: "Numerical simulation of laminar-turbulent transition on a dolphin using the γ-Re_θ model", in: W.E. Nagel, D. Kröner and M. Resch (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '11, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. pdf-File

Rist: "Visualization and Tracking of Vortices and Shear Layers in the Late Stages of Boundary-Layer Laminar-Turbulent Transition", AIAA-2012-0084, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Nashville, TN, Jan. 9-12 2012 pdf-File

Zengl, U. Rist: "Linear-stability investigations for flow-control experiments related to flow over compliant walls", in: Cameron Tropea and Horst Bleckmann (Eds.) Nature-Inspired Fluid Mechanics. Results of the DFG Priority Programme 1207 2006-2012, NNFM 119, Springer, 2012, 223-237. pdf-File

Pavlov, D. Riedeberger, U. Rist, U. Siebert: "Analysis of the relation between skin morphology and local flow conditions for a fast-swimming dolphin", in: Cameron Tropea and Horst Bleckmann (Eds.) Nature-Inspired Fluid Mechanics. Results of the DFG Priority Programme 1207 2006-2012, NNFM 119, Springer, 2012, 239-253. pdf-File

Marxen, O., Lang, M., Rist, U.: Discrete linear local eigenmodes in a separating laminar boundary layer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Volume 711, November 2012, pp 1 - 26 doi: 10.1017/jfm.2012.263 Published Online on 27th September 2012.

Edelmann, U. Rist: Impact of forward-facing steps on laminar-turbulent transition in transonic flows without pressure gradient,  AIAA 2013-0080, AIAA 51st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 7-10 January 2013, Grapevine, Texas, USA 2013

Cadirci, H. Gunes, U. Rist: Active flow control applications with a jet and vortex actuator in a laminar cross flow, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 39, February 2013, 146-159

Marxen, O., Lang, M., Rist, U.: Vortex formation and vortex breakup in a laminar separation bubble, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2013), vol. 728, pp. 58-90

Cadirci, H. Gunes, U. Rist: Numerical investigation of a jet and vortex actuator in a cross-flow boundary-layer, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, Vol. 44 (2013), pp. 42-59

O.T. Schmidt, B. Selent, U. Rist: Direct numerical simulation of boundary layer transition in streamwise corner flow, in: W.E. Nagel, D. Kröner and M. Resch (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '13, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013, 337-348

O.T. Schmidt, U. Rist:Viscid-inviscid pseudo-resonance in streamwise corner-flow, J. Fluid Mech. 743 (2014), 327-357

O.T. Schmidt, U. Rist:Numerical investigation of classical and bypass transition in streamwise corner-flow, Proc. IUTAM ABCM Symposium on Laminar Turbulent Transition, Rio de Janeiro, 2014

Y-S. Shin, U. Rist, E. Krämer: Stability of the laminar boundary-layer flow behind a roughness element, Exp. Fluids (2015) 56:11, DOI 10.1007/s00348-014-1878-2

Hegner, V. Mikulich, G. Axtmann, U. Rist, Ch. Brücker: Extreme event detection in near-wall turbulence using reflection-encoded readout of micropillar arrays, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 28 May 2015

O.T. Schmidt, S. Hosseini, A. Hanifi, D.S. Henningson, U. Rist: Optimal wave packets in streamwise corner-flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, J. Fluid Mech. 766 (2015), 405-435

Edelmann, U. Rist:Impact of forward-facing steps on laminar-turbulent transition in transonic flows, AIAA Journal Vol. 53, No. 9, September 2015, 2504-2511

Puckert, A. Subasi, U. Rist, H. Gunes: Experimental Investigations of Critical Roughness Heights in a Laminar Boundary Layer, 13th International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization FLUCOME2015, November 15-18, 2015, Doha, Qatar

Subasi, D. Puckert, H. Gunes, U. Rist:Calibration of Constant Temperature Anemometry with Hot-Film Probes for Low Speed Laminar Water Channel Flows, 13th International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization FLUCOME2015, November 15-18, 2015, Doha, Qatar

T. Hetsch, U. Rist: "Direct Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Flow Field Around a Swept Laminar Separation Bubble", in: W. Nagel, W. Jäger and M. Resch (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '06, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007, 205-221. pdf-File

R. Messing, U. Rist, F. Svensson: "Control of turbulent boundary-layer flow using slot actuators", in: M. Resch, T. Bönisch, S. Tiyyagura, T. Furui, Y. Seo, W. Bez (Eds.): High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2006 Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, March 2006 Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007, 91-104. pdf-File

H. Günes, U. Rist: "Spatial resolution enhancement/smoothing of stereo-PIV data using POD-based and Kriging interpolation methods", Phys. Fluids 19, No. 6, June 2007. pdf-File

A. Babucke, M. Kloker, U. Rist: "Numerical investigation of flow-induced noise generation at the nozzle end of jet engines", in: C. Tropea, S. Jakirlic, H.J. Heinemann, R. Henke (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Dynamics VI, NNFM 96, contributions to the 15. STAB/DGLR-Symposium, Darmstadt, Nov. 2006, Springer, 2007, 413-420. pdf-File

A. Babucke, M. Kloker, U. Rist: "DNS of a plane mixing layer for the investigation of sound generation mechanisms", Computers & Fluids 37 (4), pp. 360-368, 2008. pdf-File

A. Babucke, M. Kloker, U. Rist: "Direct numerical simulation of a serrated nozzle end for jet-noise reduction", in: W.E. Nagel, D. Kröner and M. Resch (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '07, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008, 319-337. pdf-File

A. Babucke, M. Kloker, U. Rist: "Direct Numerical Simulation of a Square-Notched Trailing Edge for Jet-Noise Reduction", AIAA 2008-763, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2008, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 2008 pdf-File

E. Piot, G. Casalis, U. Rist: "Stability of the laminar boundary layer flow encountering a row of roughness elements: Biglobal stability approach and DNS", European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 27 (6), 2008, 684-706. pdf-File

H. Gunes, U. Rist: "On the use of kriging for enhanced data reconstruction in a separated transitional flat-plate boundary layer", Physics of Fluids 20 (10): online 31 October 2008. pdf-File

T. Schafhitzel, K. Baysal, U. Rist, D. Weiskopf, T. Ertl: "Particle-based vortex core line tracking taking into account vortex dynamics", Proc. ISFV 13 / FLUVISU 12 - Nice Acropolis Center, July 1st - 4th, 2008 pdf-File

H. Gunes, S. Cadirci, U. Rist: "An Experimental Investigation of a Jet and Vortex Actuator for Active Flow Control", AIAA 2008-3761, 4th AIAA Flow Control Conference 23-26 June 2008, Seattle, WA. pdf-File

R. King, K. Aleksic, G: Gelbert, N. Losse, R. Muminovic, A. Brunn, W. Nitsche, M.R. Bothien, J.P. Moeck, C.O. Paschereit, B.R. Noack, U. Rist, M. Zengl: "Model predictive flow control (invited paper)", 38th Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 23--26 June 2008, Seattle, Washington, AIAA 2008-3975. pdf-File

H. Gunes, S. Cadirci, F. Baldani, B. Peters, U. Rist: "Temporal analysis of jet and vortex actuator (JaVA) - induced flows", Proc. Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2008, September 16-19, 2008, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany pdf-File

H. Gunes, H.E. Cekli, U. Rist: "Data enhancement, smoothing, reconstruction and optimization by Kriging interpolation", S.J. Mason, R.R. Hill, L. Mönch, O. Rose, T. Jefferson, J.W. Fowler (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, Miami, Dec. 2008. pdf-File

T. Hetsch, U. Rist: "On the accuracy of local and nonlocal linear stability theory in swept laminar separation bubbles", AIAA Journal 2009, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1116-1122 pdf-File

T. Hetsch, U. Rist: "An analysis of the structure of laminar separation bubbles in swept infinite geometries", European Journal of Mechanics -- B/Fluids 28 (4), 2009, 486-493. pdf-File

T. Hetsch, U. Rist: "The influence of sweep on the linear stability of a series of swept laminar separation bubbles", European Journal of Mechanics -- B/Fluids 28 (4), 2009, 494-505 pdf-File

J. Baumann, T. Ries, M. Rose, U. Rist, S. Staudacher: "LP turbine laminar separation bubble study, flat plate PIV results and DNS calculations", 8th European Conference on Turbomachinery (ETC), Graz University of Technology, Austria, 23.-27.03.2009 pdf-File

A. Babucke, B. Spagnioli, C. Airiau, M. Kloker, U. Rist: "Mechanisms and active control of jet-induced noise", in: C. Brun, D. Juve, M. Manhart and C-D. Munz (Eds.): Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Noise Generation, Results of the DFG/CNRS Research Groups FOR 507 and FOR 508 Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009, 75-98. pdf-File

T. Ries, F. Mohr, J. Baumann, M. Rose, U. Rist, I. Raab, S. Staudacher: "LP turbine laminar separation with actuated transition: DNS, experiment and fluidic oscillator CFD", Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2009, June 8-12, 2009, Orlando Florida, USA, GT2009-59600. pdf-File

O. Marxen, M. Lang, U. Rist, O. Levin, D. Henningson: "Mechanisms for Spatial Steady Three-Dimensional Disturbance Growth in a Non-Parallel and Separating Boundary Layer", Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2009), vol. 634, pp. 165-189. pdf-File

K. Baysal, T. Schafhitzel, T. Ertl, U. Rist: "Extraction and Visualization of Flow Features", in: W. Nitsche, C. Dobriloff (Eds.): "Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis", results of the DFG priority programme 1147 "Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis" 2003-2009, NNFM 106, Springer, 2009, 305-314. pdf-File

F. Alizard, J.-C. Robinet, U. Rist: "Etude de la sensibilite au champ de base d'un ecoulement de coin", 19ieme Congrès Francais de Mécanique, Marseille, 24-28 aout 2009. pdf-File

F. Alizard, U. Rist, and J.-C. Robinet: "Linear Instability of Streamwise Corner Flow", in: B. Eckhardt (ed.), Advances in Turbulence XII, Springer Proceedings in Physics 132, 67-70, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009 pdf-File

A. Babucke, M. Kloker, U. Rist: "Direct Numerical Simulation of the Mixing Layer past Serrated Nozzle Ends", in: P. Schlatter, D.S. Henningson (Eds.): Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, IUTAM Bookseries 18, 2010, 93-98 pdf-File

A. Babucke, U. Rist: "Receptivity of a supersonic boundary layer to shock-wave oscillations", in: P. Schlatter, D.S. Henningson (Eds.): Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, IUTAM Bookseries 18, 2010, 99-104 pdf-File

F. Alizard, J-C. Robinet, U. Rist: "Sensitivity to base-flow variation of a streamwise corner flow", in: P. Schlatter, D.S. Henningson (Eds.): Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, IUTAM Bookseries 18, 2010, 69-74 pdf-File

M. Zengl, U. Rist: "Linear stability investigations of flow over yawed anisotropic compliant walls", in: P. Schlatter, D.S. Henningson (Eds.): Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, IUTAM Bookseries 18, 2010, 601-604 pdf-File

B. Selent, U. Rist: "Direct numerical simulation of jet in crossflow actuators", in: W.E. Nagel, D. Kröner and M. Resch (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '09, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010, 241-253. pdf-File

K. Baysal, U. Rist: "Identification and quantification of shear layer influences on the generation of vortex structures", in: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, M. Klaas, H.P. Kreplin, W. Nitsche, W. Schröder (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Dynamics VII. NNFM 112 Contributions to the 16. STAB/DGLR-Symposium, Aachen, Nov. 2008, Springer, 2010, 241-248. pdf-File

M.A. Rashad, U. Rist: "Numerical investigation of a jet and vortex actuator (JaVA)", in: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, M. Klaas, H.P. Kreplin, W. Nitsche, W. Schröder (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Dynamics VII. NNFM 112 Contributions to the 16. STAB/DGLR-Symposium, Aachen, Nov. 2008, Springer, 2010, 217-224. pdf-File

B. Selent, U. Rist: "Direct numerical simulation of jet actuators for boundary layer control", in: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, M. Klaas, H.P. Kreplin, W. Nitsche, W. Schröder (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Dynamics VII. NNFM 112 Contributions to the 16. STAB/DGLR-Symposium, Aachen, Nov. 2008, Springer, 2010, 225-232. pdf-File

M. Zengl, U. Rist: "Receptivity considerations for cascaded actuators generating Tollmien-Schlichting waves", in: A. Dillmann, G. Heller, M. Klaas, H.P. Kreplin, W. Nitsche, W. Schröder (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Dynamics VII. NNFM 112 Contributions to the 16. STAB/DGLR-Symposium, Aachen, Nov. 2008, Springer, 2010, 281-288. pdf-File

S. Cadirci, H. Gunes, U. Rist, B. Peters: "Experimental Investigation of Jet and Vortex Actuator Using Particle Image Velocimetry", IMECE2009-11451, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition IMECE2009, Nov. 13-19, 2009, Lake Buena, FL, USA. pdf-File

F. Alizard, J.-C. Robinet, U. Rist: "Sensitivity analysis of a streamwise corner flow", Phys. Fluids 22 (1), 014103 (2010)

O. Marxen, U. Rist: "Mean Flow Deformation in a Laminar Separation Bubble: Separation and Stability Characteristics", Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2010), vol. 660, pp. 37-54. pdf-File

S. Cadirci, H. Gunes, U. Rist: "Numerical Investigation of Jet and Vortex Actuator (JaVA) for Active Flow Control", AIAA-2010-4410, 5th Flow Control Conference, Chicago, IL, 28 Jun - 1 Jul 2010. pdf-File

Björn Selent, Ulrich Rist: "Direct Numerical Simulation of Active Separation Control Devices" inSIDE, Vol. 8 No. 1, 2010, 8-13.

K. Augustin, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Active control of a laminar separation bubble", in: P. Thiede (Ed.), Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Technologies, Proc. CEAS/DragNet Conference, Potsdam, 19.-21.6.2000, NNFM Vol. 76, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 2001, 297-303. pdf-File

C. Gmelin, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Active control of nonlinear disturbances in 2-D boundary layers", in: P. Thiede (Ed.), Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Technologies, Proc. CEAS/DragNet Conference, Potsdam, 19.-21.6.2000, NNFM Vol. 76, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 2001, 333-340. pdf-File

A. Wörner, U. Rist, S. Herr, W. Würz, S. Wagner, Y.S. Kachanov: "Study of the acoustic receptivity of a Blasius boundary layer in the presence of a surface non-uniformity", Proc. ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona 11. - 14.9.2000. pdf-File

M. Lang, O. Marxen, U. Rist, S. Wagner, W. Würz: "LDA-Messungen zur Transition in einer laminaren Ablöseblase", Proc. 8. Fachtagung GALA, Freising, 12. - 14.9.2000. pdf-File

C. Gmelin, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Active control of laminar-turbulent transition using instantaneous vorticity signals at the wall", Physics of Fluids 13 (2), Feb. 2001, 513 - 519. pdf-File

P. Wassermann, M. Kloker, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "DNS of laminar-turbulent transition in a 3-D aerodynamics boundary-layer flow", in: E. Krause and W. Jäger (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2000, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2001, 275 - 289.

V.I. Borodulin, V.R. Gaponenko, Y.S. Kachanov, D.G.W. Meyer, U. Rist, Q.X. Lian, C.B. Lee: "Late-stage transitional boundary-layer structures. Direct numerical simulation and experiment", Theoret. Comput. Fluid Dynamics 15 (2002) 5, 317 - 337. pdf-File

A. Pagella, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Numerical investigations of small-amplitude disturbances in a laminar boundary layer with impinging shock waves", in: S. Wagner, U. Rist, H.J. Heinemann, R. Hilbig (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics III, Proc. 12. DGLR-Fachsymposium AG STAB, Stuttgart, 15.-17.11.2000, NNFM Vol. 77, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 153 - 160. pdf-File

U. Rist, K. Augustin, S. Wagner: "Numerical simulation of laminar separation-bubble control", in: S. Wagner, U. Rist, H.J. Heinemann, R. Hilbig (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics III, Proc. 12. DGLR-Fachsymposium AG STAB, Stuttgart, 15.-17.11.2000, NNFM Vol. 77, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 181 - 188. pdf-File

M. Lang, O. Marxen, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Experimental and numerical investigations on transition in a laminar separation bubble", in: S. Wagner, U. Rist, H.J. Heinemann, R. Hilbig (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics III, Proc. 12. DGLR-Fachsymposium AG STAB, Stuttgart, 15.-17.11.2000, NNFM Vol. 77, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 207 - 214. pdf-File

S. Herr, A. Wörner, W. Würz, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Experimental/numerical investigation of the influence of a pressure gradient on acoustic roughness receptivity in the boundary layer of an airfoil", in: S. Wagner, U. Rist, H.J. Heinemann, R. Hilbig (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics III, Proc. 12. DGLR-Fachsymposium AG STAB, Stuttgart, 15.-17.11.2000, NNFM Vol. 77, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 231 - 238. pdf-File

M. Lang, O. Marxen, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Untersuchungen zur Transition in einer laminaren Ablöseblase mittels LDA, PIV und DNS", Proc. 9. Fachtagung der GALA, Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, 18.-20. Sept. 2001, Winterthur, Schweiz. pdf-File

A. Wörner, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Influence of humps and steps on the stability characteristics of a 2D laminar boundary layer", AIAA 2002-0139. pdf-File

C. Gmelin, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "DNS of active control of disturbances in a Blasius boundary layer", in: E. Krause and W. Jäger (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '01, Springer, Berlin, 2002, 273-285. pdf-File

S. Bake, D.G.W. Meyer, U. Rist: "Turbulence mechanism in Klebanoff-transition. A quantitative comparison of experiment and direct numerical simulation", J. Fluid Mech. 459, 217-243 (2002). pdf-File

A. Pagella, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Numerical investigations of small-amplitude disturbances in a boundary layer with impinging shock wave at Ma=4.8", Physics of Fluids 14, July 2002, 2088 - 2101. pdf-File

O. Marxen, M. Lang, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "A combined experimental/numerical study of unsteady phenomena in a laminar separation bubble", Proc. IUTAM Symposium on unsteady separated flows, April 8-12 2002, Toulouse, France. pdf-File

K. Augustin, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Active control of separation bubbles exploiting laminar baseflow instabilities", FEDSM2002-31047, Proc. 2002 ASME-European FED Summer Annual Meeting July 14-18, 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. pdf-File

C. Gmelin, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Active control of nonlinear disturbances in a Blasius boundary layer", FEDSM2002-31044, Proc. 2002 ASME-European FED Summer Annual Meeting July 14-18, 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. pdf-File

U. Rist: "On instabilities and transition in laminar separation bubbles", Proc. CEAS Aerospace Aerodynamics Research Conference, 10 - 12 June 2002, Cambridge, UK. pdf-File

A. Pagella, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Numerical investigations of a transitional flat-plate boundary layer with impinging shock waves", Proc. CEAS Aerospace Aerodynamics Research Conference, 10 - 12 June 2002, Cambridge, UK. pdf-File

M. Lang, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Investigations on disturbance amplification in a laminar separation bubble by means of LDA and PIV", 11th International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, July 8 - 11, 2002, Lisbon, Portugal. pdf-File
Also: Experiments in Fluids, Online First Edition, 12 July 2003. Experiments in Fluids 36 (2004) 43 - 52. pdf-File

U. Rist, U. Maucher: "Investigations of Time-Growing Instabilities in Laminar Separation Bubbles", European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 21 (2002), 495-509. pdf-File, prelim. Version

A. Pagella, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Numerical Investigations of Transitional Flat-Plate Boundary Layers with Impinging Shock Waves". In: D.E. Zeitoun, J. Periaux, J.A. Desideri, M. Marini (eds.): Proc. W.E.H.S.F.F. Conference, Marseille, France, April 22-26, 2002, CIMNE (Barcelona, Spain), pp. 377 - 384.

W. Würz, S. Herr, A. Wörner, U. Rist, S. Wagner, Y.S. Kachanov: "Three-dimensional roughness-acoustic receptivity of a boundary layer on an airfoil. Experiment and DNS." J. Fluid Mech. 478, 2003, 135-163. pdf-File

O. Marxen, M. Lang, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "A combined experimental/numerical study of unsteady phenomena in a laminar separation bubble". Journal of Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 71, 2003, 133-146. pdf-File

K. Augustin, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Investigation of 2D and 3D boundary-layer disturbances for active control of laminar separation bubbles", AIAA 2003-0613, Jan. 2003. pdf-File

A. Wörner, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Humps/steps influence on stability characteristics of a 2D laminar boundary layer", AIAA Journal 41 (2) Feb. 2003, 192-197. pdf-File

D. Meyer, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Direct numerical simulation of the development of asymmetric perturbations at very late stages of the transition process". In: S. Wagner, M. Kloker, U. Rist (Eds.): Recent Results in Laminar-Turbulent Transition – Selected Numerical and Experimental Contributions from the DFG-Verbundschwerpunktprogramm "Transition" in Germany, NNFM Vol. 86, Springer, Heidelberg, 2003, 63-74. pdf-File

S. Herr, W. Würz, A. Wörner, U. Rist, S. Wagner, A. Ivanov, Y. Kachanov: "Systematic investigations of 3D acoustic receptivity with respect to steady and unsteady disturbances. Experiment and DNS.". In: S. Wagner, M. Kloker, U. Rist (Eds.): Recent Results in Laminar-Turbulent Transition – Selected Numerical and Experimental Contributions from the DFG-Verbundschwerpunktprogramm "Transition" in Germany, NNFM Vol. 86, Springer, Heidelberg, 2003, 75-90.

M. Lang, O. Marxen, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "A combined numerical and experimental investigation of transition in a laminar separation bubble". In: S. Wagner, M. Kloker, U. Rist (Eds.): Recent Results in Laminar-Turbulent Transition – Selected Numerical and Experimental Contributions from the DFG-Verbundschwerpunktprogramm "Transition" in Germany, NNFM Vol. 86, Springer, Heidelberg, 2003, 149-165. pdf-File

C. Gmelin, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Numerical investigations of active control of boundary-layer instabilities". In: S. Wagner, M. Kloker, U. Rist (Eds.): Recent Results in Laminar-Turbulent Transition – Selected Numerical and Experimental Contributions from the DFG-Verbundschwerpunktprogramm "Transition" in Germany, NNFM Vol. 86, Springer, Heidelberg, 2003, 203-218. pdf-File

U. Rist: "Visualization of Unsteady Flow Structures in a High-Performance Computing Environment". In: S. Wagner, M. Kloker, U. Rist (Eds.): Recent Results in Laminar-Turbulent Transition – Selected Numerical and Experimental Contributions from the DFG-Verbundschwerpunktprogramm "Transition" in Germany, NNFM Vol. 86, Springer, Heidelberg, 2003, 307-320. pdf-File

T. Hetsch, U. Rist: "On the structure and stability of three-dimensional laminar separation bubbles on a swept plate".
In: C. Breitsamter, B. Laschka, H.J. Heinemann, R. Hilbig (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IV, Contributions to the 13th STAB/DGLR Symposium, Munich, Germany 2002, NNFM 87, Springer-Verlag, 2004, 302 - 310. pdf-File

A. Wörner, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Investigation of the Flow in the Vicinity of an Isolated 3D Surface Roughness".
In: C. Breitsamter, B. Laschka, H.J. Heinemann, R. Hilbig (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IV, Contributions to the 13th STAB/DGLR Symposium, Munich, Germany 2002, NNFM 87, Springer-Verlag, 2004, 319 - 326. pdf-File

D. Meyer, U. Rist, M. Kloker: "Investigation of the flow randomization process in a transitional boundary layer.".
In: E. Krause, W. Jäger and M. Resch (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '03, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003, 239-254. pdf-File

O. Marxen, U. Rist: "DNS and LES of the transition process in a laminar separation bubble".
In: R. Friedrich, B.J. Geurts, O. Metais (Eds.), Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation V, Proc. 5th internat. ERCOFTAC workshop, Munich, August 27-29, 2003, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London (2004), 231-240 pdf-File

U. Rist: "Instability and Transition Mechanisms in Laminar Separation Bubbles".
VKI/RTO-LS "Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics on Aircraft Including Applications in Emerging UAV Technology", Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, 24-28 November 2003 pdf-File

U. Rist, K. Augustin: "Control of Laminar Separation Bubbles".
VKI/RTO-LS "Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics on Aircraft Including Applications in Emerging UAV Technology", Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, 24-28 November 2003 pdf-File

O. Marxen, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "The effect of spanwise-modulated disturbances on transition in a 2-D separated boundary layer", AIAA 2003-0789, Jan. 2003. AIAA Journal 42 (5) May 2004, 937-944. pdf-File

A. Pagella, A. Babucke, U. Rist: "Numerical investigations of small-amplitude disturbances in a boundary layer at Ma=4.8: compression corner vs. impinging shock wave". Physics of Fluids, 16 (7) July 2004, 2272-2281. pdf-File

H. Gunes, U. Rist: "Proper orthogonal decomposition reconstruction of a transitional boundary layer with and without control". Physics of Fluids, 16 (8) Aug. 2004, 2763-2784. pdf-File

K. Augustin, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Control of laminar separation bubbles by small-amplitude 2D and 3D boundary-layer disturbances". RTO Specialists’ Meeting on "Enhancement of NATO Military Flight Vehicle Performance by Management of Interacting Boundary Layer Transition and Separation", Prague, Cz, 4-8 October 2004, Paper No. 6. pdf-File

T. Hetsch, U. Rist: "Interaction of separation and transition in laminar separation bubbles in a 3D boundary layer". RTO Specialists’ Meeting on "Enhancement of NATO Military Flight Vehicle Performance by Management of Interacting Boundary Layer Transition and Separation", Prague, Cz, 4-8 October 2004, Paper No. 10. pdf-File

A. Pagella, U. Rist (2004): "Instability and transition in shock-induced separation bubbles". RTO Specialists’ Meeting on "Enhancement of NATO Military Flight Vehicle Performance by Management of Interacting Boundary Layer Transition and Separation", Prague, Cz, 4-8 October 2004, Paper No. 23. pdf-File

A. Pagella, U. Rist: "Direct numerical simulations of shock-boundary layer interaction at Ma=6". In: E. Krause, Y.I. Shokin, M. Resch, N. Shokina (Eds.): "Computational Science and High Performance Computing", Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop, Novosibirsk, Russia, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2003, NNFM 88, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 123-140. pdf-File

T. Hetsch, U. Rist: "Applicability and quality of linear stability theory and linear PSE in swept laminar separation bubbles", in: H.J. Rath, C. Holze, H.J. Heinemann, R. Henke, H. Hönlinger (Eds.): "New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics V", Proc. 14. DGLR-Fachsymposium AG STAB, Bremen, Germany 2004, NNFM 92, 241-248, Springer-Verlag, 2006. pdf-File

O. Marxen, U. Rist, D. Henningson: "Steady three-dimensional streaks and their optimal growth in a laminar separation bubble", in: H.J. Rath, C. Holze, H.J. Heinemann, R. Henke, H. Hönlinger (Eds.): " New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics V", Proc. 14. DGLR-Fachsymposium AG STAB, Bremen, Germany 2004, NNFM 92, 233-240, Springer-Verlag, 2006. pdf-File

U. Rist, A. Jäger: "Unsteady disturbance generation and amplification in the boundary-layer flow behind a medium-sized roughness element", in: R. Govindarajan (Ed.): Sixth IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Proc. IUTAM-Symp. Bangalore, India, 2004, Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 78, Springer-Verlag, 293-298, 2006. pdf-File

T. Hetsch, U. Rist: "The effect of sweep on laminar separation bubbles", in: R. Govindarajan (Ed.): Sixth IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Proc. IUTAM-Symp. Bangalore, India, 2004, Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 78, Springer-Verlag, 395-400, 2006. pdf-File

M. Lang, O. Marxen, U. Rist: "Combined Investigations on Disturbance Development in a Laminar Separation Bubble by Means of PIV, LDA and DNS", Joint EWA and PivNet 2 Workshop on CFD, PIV and Experiments in Aerodynamics, May 10-11, 2005, Göttingen, Germany. pdf-File

U. Rist, K. Augustin: "Active Control of Laminar Separation Bubbles", Proc. CEAS/KATnet Conference on Key Aerodynamic Technologies, Bremen, June 20-22, 2005. pdf-File

A. Fezer, M. Kloker, A. Pagella, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "DNS of laminar-turbulent transition in the low hypersonic regime." In: D. Jacob, G. Sachs, S. Wagner (Eds.): Basic Research and Technologies for Two-Stage-to-Orbit Vehicles}. Final report of the DFG collaborative research centers 253, 255, 259, Wiley-VCH, 2005, pp. 124-147.

U. Rist, K. Augustin: "Control of Laminar Separation Bubbles Using Instability Waves", Proc. ISABE 2005, 17. International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines, Munich, Germany, Sept. 4-9, 2005. AIAA Journal 44 (10), October 2006, 2217-2223. pdf-File

S. Stegmaier, U., Rist, T. Ertl: "Opening the can of worms: An exploration tool for vortical flows", IEEE Visualization Conference 2005. pdf-File

M. Linnick, U. Rist: "Vortex Identification and Extraction in a Boundary-Layer Flow", in: G. Greiner, J. Hornegger, H. Niemann, M. Stamminger (Eds.): Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2005 Proc. November 16-18, 2005. Erlangen, Germany, Akad. Verlagsges. Aka, Berlin, pp. 9-16. pdf-File

O. Marxen, U. Rist: "Direct Numerical Simulation of Non-Linear Transitional Stages in an Experimentally Investigated Laminar Separation Bubble", in: W. Nagel, W. Jäger and M. Resch (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '05, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 103-117. pdf-File

A. Babucke, J. Linn, M. Kloker, U. Rist: "Direct numerical simulation of shear flow phenomena on parallel vector computers", in: M. Resch, Th. Bönisch, K. Benkert, T. Furui, Y. Seo, W. Bez (Eds.): High Performance Computing on Vector Systems: Proc. HLRS Stuttgart 2005 Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006, 229-247. pdf-File

U. Rist: (Invited paper) "DNS of boundary-layer instability and transition using the spatial approach", in: R.A.W.M. Henkes and J.L. van Ingen (Eds.): Transitional Boundary Layers in Aeronautics, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Dec. 6-8, 1995, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 99 - 111 (1996). pdf-File

U. Rist, U. Maucher, S. Wagner: "Direct numerical simulation of some fundamental problems related to transition in laminar separation bubbles", in: J.-A. Désidéri, C. Hirsch, P. Le Tallec, M. Pandolfi, J. Périaux (Eds.): Computational Fluid Dynamics '96, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 319 - 325 (1996). pdf-File

U. Maucher, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "A method for the identification of high-frequency oscillations in unsteady flows", ZAMM Vol. 77, Suppl. 1, S209-S210 (1997). pdf-File

U. Maucher, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Secondary instabilities in a laminar separation bubble", in: H. Körner, R. Hilbig (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics, NNFM 60, Vieweg, 229 - 236 (1997). pdf-File

D. Meyer, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "DNS of the generation of secondary Λ-vortices in a transitional boundary layer", in: U. Frisch (Ed.): Advances in Turbulence VII, Kluwer, 97 - 100 (1998). Paper (not all figures) as pdf-File, Conference Poster as pdf-File

U. Maucher, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "A refined method for DNS of transition in interacting boundary layers", AIAA 98-2435. pdf-File

K. Müller, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Enhanced visualization of late-stage transitional structures using vortex identification and automatic feature extraction", in: Papailiou et al. (Eds.): Computational Fluid Dynamics '98, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 786 - 791 (1998). pdf-File

U. Rist, K. Müller, S. Wagner: "Visualization of late-stage transitional structures in numerical data using vortex identification and feature extraction", Proc. 8th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Sorrento, Italy, September 1-4, 1998, paper no. 103. pdf-File

A. Wörner, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Direkte numerische Simulation der Wechselwirkung von Schallwellen mit lokalen Veränderungen auf einer Plattenoberfläche", DGLR-JT98-045, DGLR-Jahrbuch 1998. pdf-File

C. Gmelin, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Investigations of active control of wave packets and comparable disturbances in a Blasius boundary layer by DNS", in: W. Nitsche, H.J. Heinemann, R. Hilbig (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics II, NNFM Vol. 72, (Proc. 11th STAB/DGLR-Symposium, Berlin, Nov. 10-12, 1998), Vieweg, 1999, 194 - 201.

U. Maucher, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Transitional structures in a laminar separation bubble", in: W. Nitsche, H.J. Heinemann, R. Hilbig (Eds.): New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics II, NNFM Vol. 72, (Proc. 11th STAB/DGLR-Symposium, Berlin, Nov. 10-12, 1998), Vieweg, 1999, 307 - 314. pdf-File

U. Rist.: "Zur Instabilität und Transition in laminaren Ablöseblasen", Habilitation Universität Stuttgart 1998, Shaker, Aachen, Maastricht, 1999. Kurzfassung, pdf-File

U. Maucher, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "A refined interaction method for DNS of transition in separation bubbles", AIAA Journal 38, No. 8, Aug. 2000, 1385 - 1393. pdf-File

U. Maucher, U. Rist, M. Kloker, S. Wagner: "DNS of laminar-turbulent transition in separation bubbles", in: E. Krause and W. Jäger (Eds.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '99, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000, 279 - 294. pdf-File

C. Gmelin, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "DNS of active control of disturbances in a Blasius boundary layer", in: H.F. Fasel, W.S. Saric (Eds.): Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Proc. IUTAM-Symp. Sedona, Az, Sept. 13-17, 1999, Springer-Verlag, 2000, 149 - 154. pdf-File

U. Maucher, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Secondary disturbance amplification and transition in laminar separation bubbles", in: H.F. Fasel, W.S. Saric (Eds.): Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Proc. IUTAM-Symp. Sedona, Az, Sept. 13-17, 1999, Springer-Verlag, 2000, 657 - 662. pdf-File

D.G.W. Meyer, U. Rist, V.I. Borodulin, V.R. Gaponenko, Y.S. Kachanov, Q.X. Lian, C.B., Lee: "Late-stage transitional boundary-layer structures. Direct numerical simulation and experiment", in: H.F. Fasel, W.S. Saric (Eds.): Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Proc. IUTAM-Symp. Sedona, Az, Sept. 13-17, 1999, Springer-Verlag, 2000, 167 - 172. pdf-File, Conference Poster as pdf-File

W. Würz, S. Herr, A. Wörner, U. Rist, S. Wagner, Y.S. Kachanov: "Study of 3D wall roughness acoustic receptivity on an airfoil", in: H.F. Fasel, W.S. Saric (Eds.): Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Proc. IUTAM-Symp. Sedona, Az, Sept. 13-17, 1999, Springer-Verlag, 2000, 91 - 96. pdf-File

W. Würz, S. Herr, A. Wörner, U. Rist, S. Wagner, Y.S. Kachanov: "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of 3D Acoustic Receptivity due to Localized Wall Roughness", ICMAR 2000, Novosibirsk, 9.-15.7.2000. pdf-File

U. Rist, H. Fasel: "Numerische Untersuchung der räumlichen, dreidimensionalen Störungsentwicklung beim Grenzschichtumschlag", ZAMM 71 (5), T497 - T499 (1991).

U. Rist, H. Bestek: "Examples of the use of supercomputers in the numerical simulation of laminar-turbulent transition", Proc. 3rd European Exhibition and Conference on High-Performance Computing "Supercomputing Europe '91", Feb. 6-8, 1991, Messe Stuttgart (1991).

U. Rist, H. Fasel: "Spatial three-dimensional numerical simulation of laminar-turbulent transition in a flat-plate boundary layer", Proc. Boundary Layer Transition and Control, The Royal Aeronautical Society, April 8-12, 1991, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK. U. Rist: "An accurate and efficient code for the direct numerical simulation of transition to turbulence", in: M. Durand and F. El Dabaghi (Eds.): Proc. High-Performance Computing II, Montpellier, France, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 467 - 478 (1991).

U. Rist:
"Visualisierung numerisch berechneter, dreidimensionaler, instationärer Strömungsfelder", Informatik Forsch. Entw. 7, 126 - 132 (1992). U. Rist: "Anwendung einer schnellen Visualisierungstechnik bei der Interpretation dreidimensionaler Strömungsfelder", GI-Workshop: Visualisierung - Rolle von Interaktivität und Echtzeit, 2.-3. Juni 1992, GMD, St. Augustin (1992).

U. Rist: "Blue Waves: A movie of boundary-layer transition as seen by the computer", in: H. Reed: Gallery of Fluid Motion, Phys. Fluids A, 4 (9), Sept. 1992, 1869 - 1881 (1992). U. Rist, M. Kloker, H. Bestek: "Direct numerical simulation of transition to turbulence", Cray-Channels, Winter 1992, 29 - 30 (1992).

U. Rist: "Visualization of volumetric flow-field data", in: M. Göbel, J.C. Teixeira (Eds.): Graphics Modeling and Visualization in Science and Technology, Beiträge zur graphischen Datenverarbeitung, Springer-Verlag, 85 - 93 (1993).

U. Rist: "Nonlinear Effects of 2-D and 3-D disturbances on laminar separation bubbles", in: S.P. Lin, W.R.C. Phillips, D.T. Valentine (Eds.): Proc. IUTAM-Symp. Nonlin. Instab. of Nonpar. Flows, Potsdam, NY/USA 1993, Springer-Verlag, 330 - 339 (1994).

U. Rist, U. Maucher: "Direct Numerical Simulation of 2-D and 3-D Instability Waves in a Laminar Separation Bubble", AGARD-CP-551 Application of Direct and Large Eddy Simulation to Transition and Turbulence, April 18-21, 1994, Chania, Crete, Greece, 34-1 - 34-7 (1994). pdf-File

U. Maucher, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Direct Numerical Simulation of Airfoil Separation Bubbles", in: S. Wagner, E.H. Hirschel, J. Périaux, R. Piva (Eds.): Computational Fluid Dynamics '94, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 471 - 477 (1994). pdf-File

U. Rist, U. Maucher, S. Wagner: "Numerische Untersuchung dreidimensionaler Störungen in einer laminaren Ablöseblase", in: DGLR-Bericht 94-04 Strömungen mit Ablösung, Proc. 9. DGLR-Fach-Symposium, 4.-7. Okt. 1994, 7 - 12 (1994). pdf-File

U. Maucher, U. Rist, S. Wagner: "Direkte numerische Simulation einer Grenzschicht auf der Oberseite eines Tragflügels mit laminarer Ablöseblase", in: DGLR-Bericht 94-04 Strömungen mit Ablösung, Proc. 9. DGLR-Fach-Symposium, 4.-7. Okt. 1994, 49 - 54 (1994). pdf-File

U. Rist, Y.S. Kachanov: "Numerical and experimental investigation of the K-regime of boundary-layer transition", in: R. Kobayashi (Ed.): Proc. IUTAM-Symp. Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Sept. 5-9, 1994, Sendai, Japan, Springer-Verlag, 405 - 412 (1995). pdf-File

U. Rist, H. Fasel: "Direct numerical simulation of controlled transition in a flat-plate boundary layer", J. Fluid Mech. 298, 211 - 248 (1995).

U. Rist, H. Fasel: "Numerische Simulation dreidimensionaler periodischer Störungen in der ebenen Poiseuille-Strömung", ZAMM 66 (4), T259 - T261 (1986). U. Rist, H. Fasel: "Secondary instability in transition of plane Poiseuille flow ("flowers of the sea")", in: H. Reed: Gallery of Fluid Motion, Phys. Fluids 29 (9), Sept. 1986, 2769 - 2780 (1986).

U. Konzelmann, U. Rist, H. Fasel:
"Erzeugung dreidimensionaler, räumlich angefachter Störwellen durch periodisches Ausblasen und Absaugen in einer Plattengrenzschichtströmung", ZAMM 67 (5), T298 - T300 (1987).

H. Fasel, U. Rist, U. Konzelmann: "Numerical investigation of the three-dimensional development in boundary layer transition", AIAA-87-1203 (1987).

F.R. Hama, U. Rist, U. Konzelmann, E. Laurien, F. Meyer: "Vorticity field structure associated with the 3-D Tollmien-Schlichting waves", Sadhana, Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, Indian Academy of Science 10 (3 & 4), Aug. 1987, 321 - 347 (1987).
Auch in: R. Narasimha, A. Abdul Kalam: Developments in Space Technology and Fluid Mechanics 1 - 27 (1988).

U. Konzelmann, U. Rist, H. Fasel: "Numerische Simulation der subharmonischen Resonanz beim Umschlagvorgang in einer Plattengrenzschichtströmung", ZAMM 68 (5), T307 - T309 (1988).

U. Rist, U. Konzelmann, H. Fasel: "Numerische Simulation des Grenzschichtumschlags im Bereich der Sekundärinstabilität", ZAMM 68 (5), T341 - T343 (1988).

U. Rist, U. Konzelmann, H. Fasel: "Numerical investigation of boundary-layer transition", Proc. 20th Turb. Symp., July 27-29, 1988, Tokio, Japan, Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, 283 - 290 (1988).

U. Konzelmann, U. Rist, H. Fasel: "Numerical investigation of the effects of longitudinal vortices on the onset of transition in a flat-plate boundary-layer", AGARD-CP-438 Fluid Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Shear Flows and Transition, Oct. 3-6, 1988 Cesme, Turkey, 7-1 - 7-13 (1988).

H. Fasel, U. Rist, U. Konzelmann: "Numerical simulation of later stages of transition in a growing boundary layer", The Fourth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Aug. 21-25, 1989, Hong Kong, F195 - F198.

P. Herchuelz, U. Rist: "Use of animated images for the visualization of computational results", Proc. XXXVIe Colloque d'Aérodynamique Appliquée, AAAF, Paper no. 22 (1989).

H. Fasel, U. Rist, U. Konzelmann: "Numerical investigation of the three-dimensional development in boundary layer transition", AIAA Journal 28 (1), 29 - 37 (1990).

U. Rist: "Numerische Untersuchung der räumlichen, dreidimensionalen Störungsentwicklung beim Grenzschichtumschlag", Dissertation Universität Stuttgart (1990). Kurzfassung

Leiter Arbeitsgruppe Grenzschichten

Dieses Bild zeigt Christoph Wenzel, M.Sc.

Christoph Wenzel, M.Sc.


Leiter Arbeitsgruppe Grenzschichten

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